Why should I rent The RollHammer PRO?

Rentals offer an affordable way to use a professional-grade tool to install your tongue and groove floors faster and easier! So if you only have one job to do, and you don’t really
need another tool in your tool box, renting offers that ideal opportunity for you.


How long can I rent The RollHammer PRO for?

We rent it in 5-day increments. The minimum rental is one 5-day increment, the maximum is up to three 5-day increments, for a total max rental length of 15 days. 

How do I get my rental deposit back?
Once we receive The RollHammer PRO back, on time. We will refund you the rental deposit via the same payment method you paid us within 5-7 days.

How much does it cost to rent?

It costs $40 for each 5-day increment


When does The RollHammer PRO arrive?

We do our best to have The RollHammer PRO arrive by the Start Date you set when you ordered it 

How do I send The RollHammer PRO back when I am done?

We make it really easy to return The RollHammer when you are done. You will receive a return box, with return shipping label. Just pack it back up, and send back the day after your end date!

Do I have to pay for the return shipment?

NO! We take care of the return shipping costs for you.


Returning The RollHammer PRO from rental in good condition

The RollHammer PRO must be returned in good, working condition. Renter will not be penalized for normal wear and tear. Damage to The RollHammer PRO caused by theft, abuse, misuse, neglect, intentional acts and/or failure to follow proper use and care will forfeit the $90 rental deposit.


What happens if a tool breaks down while I’m using it?

If you have problems or issues while renting The RollHammer PRO, please contact us at customerservice@therollhammer.com.

Can I make a reservation for a tool?

Yes! We encourage you to plan ahead, you don’t want to be left without this powerful tool for your job. Please make sure to reserve your RollHammer rental in advance.